If we really do want to measure evolution we're going to have to be willing to do the math. Not sure how deep you want to get into this but the information is readily available for anyone who wants to take a stab at it.
Also, I agree with Caedes. It would be nice if you could provide the source for your OP and the mathematics you used to reach your conclusion.
Of the four methodologies I provided to look at our DNA here are some of the calculations we can use -
1.) Mitochondrial DNA:
The variable RW above is the average fraction of wild-type nucleoid among mitochondria (i.e. the average of (1−RM,imito)) in a cell. The sigmoidal function is motivated by the activity data of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) as a function of the relative proportion of wild-type and mutant mtDNA in cybrid cells (see Fig. 1B) [38]. COX is an enzyme complex involved in the mitochondrial ATP production and its activity is used as an indicator of mitochondrial respiration function. Based on the equation above, the maximum amplification of mtDNA replication by retrograde signaling (at RW = 0) is rmax +1, which has been reported to be ∼16 times the basal rate [39]. A linear function can also be used in place of the sigmoidal function above, without changing the general trend and conclusions from the model simulations
(A) During a mitochondrial fusion, the nucleoid information (W and M) of the precursor mitochondria is retained and a fission site is created (bold line). During fission of a previously fused mitochondrion, a fission site is randomly chosen from the possible sites in the mitochondrion selected for fission. The redistribution of nucleoid contents between the two daughter mitochondria is determined randomly according to a Binomial distribution, while the particular nucleoids to be transferred are randomly taken from a Hypergeometric distribution. During fission of a primary mitochondrion, i.e. mitochondrion without any fission site, nucleoids are randomly distributed between two daughter mitochondria. (B) Steady state distribution of mitochondrial size as a function of mitochondrial size. In the figure inset, the fission propensity is shown as a function of mitochondrial size (number of nucleoids). (C) Mitochondrial fusion-fission and nucleoids mixing rate. Mitochondrial heterogeneity in each cell is represented by the mean coefficient of variation (COV) of RMmito. The mean COV of RMmito is scaled such that the steady state value is −100%. In this case, the mixing time τ is defined as the time for the scaled COV of RMmito to reach −63.2%. A faster decrease in the mean COV of RMmitoindicates a faster mixing and hence is indicated by a smaller mixing time constant τ.